Thursday07 November 2024

"Guarantees failed": Zhorin told Focus when nuclear weapons might appear in Ukraine.

Ukraine relinquished the world's third-largest nuclear arsenal, yet the promised security guarantees have not materialized. The deputy commander of the 3rd Special Operations Brigade believes that Kyiv has the right to reclaim nuclear weapons on its own.
"Гарантии не сработали": Жорин сообщил Фокусу, когда в Украине возможно появление ядерного оружия.

Ukraine relinquished its third-largest nuclear arsenal in the world, placing its trust in the Budapest Memorandum. The document was signed on December 5, 1994, by the presidents of Ukraine, Russia, and the USA—Leonid Kuchma, Boris Yeltsin, and Bill Clinton—as well as British Prime Minister John Major. Washington guided Kyiv towards this decision for three years, promising assistance in the event of an attack. However, the security guarantees did not hold.

According to Deputy Commander of the 3rd Special Operations Brigade, Maxim Zhorin, the most effective tool for self-defense is nuclear weapons and no guarantees can replace having one's own forces.

"We have already seen how it was when we gave up our nuclear weapons, we were promised security—and where is it? Not one of the signatory countries that guaranteed our safety... One of those countries even attacked us, while others pretend that it’s a fictional attack, a conflict, 'SVO,' and so on. We have no security guarantees. How will the next guarantees differ from those previously provided to us?" — Zhorin stated.

He emphasized that possessing one's own nuclear weapons provides specific tools that unequivocally guarantee security. The Ukrainian major mentioned that even before the full-scale invasion, he supported the restoration of nuclear status. He is convinced that while it is not simple, this potential can be realized in Ukraine.

"We are not a country that threatens the world or anything like that. We are a country that faced the loss of its nuclear weapons, and the guarantees did not work. I believe that at this stage, we have the right to reclaim it ourselves. Of course, this needs to be discussed with other world leaders," — he explained.

In Zhorin's opinion, having at least tactical nuclear weapons would be a significant asset in any negotiations and in matters of national security. While restoring a full nuclear complex would take many years, tactical nuclear weapons are entirely feasible today. In particular, some of this capability already exists in Ukraine, and the intellectual resources and partial infrastructure have been preserved.

"Of course, modern nuclear weapons and contemporary nuclear research differ from what we had halted at. But all of this can be restored and rebuilt, and it would become a true stronghold for us," — Maxim Zhorin added.

Recall that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that Ukraine must possess nuclear weapons as a form of protection, or the country should become a NATO member.

On October 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow "under no circumstances" would allow the emergence of nuclear weapons in Ukraine. According to him, this is supposedly a dangerous provocation, and any step in this direction would have a "response reaction."