Do you think that's all and you're fully prepared? Not quite. It's also crucial to be informed about fertilizers. How should you fertilize garlic during fall planting? We'll share the most effective tips from experienced gardeners.

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The first step is to prepare the bed for garlic. To do this, you need to follow these actions:

• Choose a location - garlic prefers sunny spots sheltered from the wind, with loose and fertile soil, free from salinity and waterlogging.

• Clear the bed - garlic cannot tolerate weeds, so it's essential to thoroughly remove them, along with stones and debris.

• Plow the bed - garlic requires deep soil preparation, so you should plow the bed to a depth of 25-30 cm, breaking up any clumps of soil.

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Which fertilizers to use for garlic

The second step is to choose and apply fertilizers for garlic. To do this, you need to know which fertilizers are suitable for this crop:

Organic fertilizers - these are fertilizers that contain organic substances, such as compost, manure, chicken droppings, etc. They enrich the soil with nutrients, improve its structure and moisture retention. Organic fertilizers should be applied 2-3 weeks before planting garlic, either spread over the bed or mixed into the soil.

Mineral fertilizers - these are fertilizers that contain mineral substances, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc. They stimulate the growth and development of garlic, enhance its winter hardiness and immunity. Mineral fertilizers should be applied just before planting garlic, mixing them into the soil or creating small holes for each clove.

Among the mineral fertilizers, the following are noteworthy:

Superphosphate - this fertilizer contains phosphorus and calcium. It promotes the formation of large and high-quality garlic heads, as well as increasing their resistance to diseases. Superphosphate should be applied at a rate of 30-40 g per 1 sq. m of the bed.

Potassium salt - this fertilizer contains potassium and chlorine. It improves the metabolic processes in garlic and enhances its winter hardiness and taste qualities. Potassium salt should be applied at a rate of 20-30 g per 1 sq. m of the bed.

Ammonium nitrate - this fertilizer contains nitrogen and ammonia. It stimulates the growth and development of garlic's green mass, as well as accelerates its ripening. Ammonium nitrate should be applied at a rate of 10-15 g per 1 sq. m of the bed.

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