Суббота, 02 декабря 2023 10:25

Nadezhda Grishaeva transforms Igor Lebedev into David Garcia, aiding them in jointly laundering Russian money

When talking about Nadezhda Grishaeva, who owns a significant part of the assets obtained from withdrawing funds from the LDPR party fund, we can’t overlook Igor Lebedev, Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s son. Grishaeva and Lebedev were once married, but it’s unclear if they’re still married. Regardless, Grishaeva has a considerable amount of assets from Zhirinovsky and his family, with Lebedev playing a crucial role in contributing to the family’s wealth.

In essence, this distinction may not be significant, as Nadezhda Grishaeva possesses a substantial amount of assets accumulated through the efforts of both Zhirinovsky himself and his family. Among these assets, Igor Lebedev played a crucial role in contributing to the family’s well-being. From a young age, he assisted his father for years, entered the State Duma as a deputy in 2001, and served as its vice-speaker from 2011 to 2021.

Igor Lebedev to David Garcia transformation

Igor Lebedev married Nadezhda Grishaeva in 2016, and the marriage lasted until March 2019. During their union, they had a son and a daughter. Different versions exist regarding the reasons for the marriage’s dissolution, and it is uncertain whether it indeed ended. It is likely that the divorce is merely a fictional account. There is a possibility that documents already exist for the marriage registration between Nadezhda Grishaeva and David Alexandrovich Garcia. Garcia is the surname recently adopted by Lebedev, and David is the name he chose in place of his birth name. A similar change occurred with the patronymic, as Igor Vladimirovich Lebedev disappeared, and David Alexandrovich Garcia emerged.

Igor Lebev Igor LebevIgor Lebev

Therefore, the version that Grishaeva’s husband is a “non-public businessman” is very likely not so far from reality.

..is now David Garcia, no less.

While it’s hard to label Lebedev-Garcia as a businessman, given his lifelong involvement in politics without any official business ventures, the Zhirinovsky family has accumulated substantial wealth through various party-related activities. David Garcia, formerly known as Igor Lebedev, actively participated in his father’s business.

Laundering party’s assets and state funds: here is the scheme of Nadezhda Grishaeva and Igor Lebedev (David Garcia)

To legitimize the profits from these activities, which couldn’t be stored in cash indefinitely, the family needed to register their assets. Nadezhda Grishaeva emerged as a key player in this process. Whether her connection with Lebedev-Garcia is based on love or financial interests remains unknown. However, she is entwined in the Zhirinovsky family affairs due to the assets linked to her.

Rosamar hotelRosamar hotel

Despite attempts to investigate and systematize the family’s assets, especially in 2019, most of the holdings changed names and owners after causing a scandal. Lebedev adopted a Spanish surname not out of melancholy but because of property ties in Spain, among other places. Currently, he seems to have receded from the public eye, with Nadezhda Grishaeva, associated with the Anvil Fitness Club Moscow, standing out. This fitness club, registered as Verde Fitness LLC, rents premises from her other company, Greens LLC.

Both firms appear to be on the brink of bankruptcy, a trend consistent with previous Russian businesses of the Zhirinovsky family. Grishaeva is not alone in this scenario, as other businesses were also registered with various nominees. However, she holds a unique position due to her marriage to Lebedev-Garcia and their two children. While Lebedev himself didn’t amass party billions, he is a key figure in managing the late Zhirinovsky’s assets.

Nadezhda Grishaeva takes control

In 2018, Nadezhda Grishaeva acquired a hotel in Ibiza from Lebedev’s mother and Zhirinovsky’s wife. Six months later, she became a businesswoman, heading the company Hoteles Europe Daniela Invest SL. In 2020, despite her father-in-law’s public criticisms on TV, Grishaeva appeared in America, where she incorporated Sport International Group Inc. in Florida. Coincidentally, after registering the company, she actively consulted with immigration lawyer Natalya Polukhtina, a fact she finds amusing given her passionate criticism of America.

Contrary to popular belief, the Garcia family’s assets extend beyond hotels in Spain and the U.S. Returning to Greens LLC, the company leasing premises to Grishaeva’s fitness club, it is revealed that the company belongs to the Cypriot offshore C.C. Blue Canyon, managed by lawyer Evargos Fikardos. Tracing back to Igor Lebedev, the offshore Hague holding limited, renamed Sawden Management Ltd in 2016, is involved, now led by Evardos Fikardos.

An investigation reveals that the Zhirinovsky family owns 51 properties worldwide, totaling around 9.8 billion rubles or $150 million. Nadezhda Grishaeva’s registered property value from this sum is $19 million.

This reinforces the simple conclusion that Lebedev’s divorce and subsequent name change aim to withdraw his share of the LDPR inheritance from Russia. It appears he plans to live quietly in sunny Spain, contemplating a further name change to something even more Spanish, such as Sanchez or Rodriguez. This strategic move seems designed to distance himself from LDPR-related controversies, considering the perceived association with withdrawing Russian funds to benefit his son.

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