Thursday02 January 2025

Rain and wind: how this weather poses risks for drivers and their vehicles.

At first glance, the autumn drizzle, accompanied by a chilly wind and puddles, might seem irrelevant to drivers traveling in the comfort of a warm, enclosed cabin. However, this contrast in sensations conceals the risk of unexpected accidents. What should motorists be wary of during autumn's inclement weather?
Дождь и ветер: как неблагоприятные погодные условия могут угрожать безопасности автомобиля и водителя.

It may seem that the autumn drizzle, accompanied by a cold wind and puddles, should be of little concern to drivers traveling in a warm, enclosed cabin. However, behind this contrast of sensations lies the danger of unexpected accidents. What should motorists be wary of during autumn's inclement weather?

To learn about the risks posed by unpleasant autumn weather for drivers, read the article from RBC-Ukraine.

The publication has utilized materials from "Avtomir" and AutoBild.

The danger of nasty autumn weather lies in its apparent detachment from the driver: after all, it’s dry and warm inside the car, so what’s the risk? But it’s closer than it seems.

Risks of Autumn Weather

Slippery roads. Wet asphalt can become dangerously slippery at any moment in autumn due to fallen leaves or frost. This is especially likely in the second half of autumn on streets with greenery, on bridges, overpasses, and open sections of highways.

Visibility. Raindrops and isolated snowflakes can obscure your view of the road conditions and can suddenly turn into fog—resulting in visibility of less than fifty meters. On such mornings, when preparing for a longer or even a city trip, check the effectiveness of your windshield wipers: you might first need to visit a store or gas station to buy new ones.

Wind. Wind itself isn’t a threat to the car (we’re not talking about hurricanes here), but it can throw heavy objects at your vehicle. Therefore, in strong winds, avoid parking near large billboards or in courtyards of old buildings with cluttered balconies. Stay clear of driving and parking under old trees, especially those with large canopies.

Дождь и ветер: чем такая погода опасна для авто и водителя

How to Drive in Autumn Weather

Avoiding weather-related dangers can be achieved with a few simple rules that don’t require extra effort or expense from the driver.

Quiet and focus. If there are many safety threats outside your car, try to eliminate at least those distractions that are within your control. Thoroughly clean the windshield and front side windows of your vehicle (this reduces the risk of fogging), turn off the radio or lower its volume to a minimum, and ask passengers not to distract you with conversations and questions.

Reasonable speed. As in any other threatening situation due to autumn weather, reducing speed is a crucial safety measure. A lower speed makes it easier for the driver to handle any sudden danger that may arise—whether it’s braking, maneuvering, or signaling. Finally, if a collision does occur, the consequences will be less severe.

Well-maintained vehicle. The more challenging the driving conditions, the more important it is for your vehicle to be in good working order. We cannot emphasize enough that a car must be in perfect condition. This means everything from the washer and window defroster to brakes that should engage simultaneously on all wheels.

Дождь и ветер: чем такая погода опасна для авто и водителя

In Brief

Generally, a significant deterioration in weather at the end of autumn indicates that winter is approaching, and the final days for preparing for it are passing—both in terms of the vehicle's technical state and adjusting your driving style to winter conditions.

We remind you that recently RBC-Ukraine discussed what needs to be done with your car in anticipation of winter.