Payments range from 6407.5 UAH to 11,186 UAH, depending on the child's age and health condition.

The program provides support for families temporarily fostering children until their legal status is determined. The amounts of financial assistance are as follows:

For children under 6 years old – 6407.5 UAH.

For children aged 6 to 18 years – 7990 UAH.

For children with disabilities under 6 years old – 8970.5 UAH.

For children with disabilities aged 6 to 18 years – 11,186 UAH.

To receive financial assistance, an application must be submitted to:

Social protection authorities.


Executive bodies of territorial communities.


Financial assistance is provided in cases where the child's parents or one of them:

Have died or are missing, and the other parent is not fulfilling their responsibilities.

Are located in a temporarily occupied territory, under siege, or declared missing.

Are imprisoned or unlawfully detained by an aggressor state.

Have been taken hostage or detained by an aggressor state.

Additionally, an application for payments can be submitted by a representative of a foster family or a family-type children's home where the child is in care.

For more detailed information and specific application requirements, families should contact local social protection authorities.

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