According to the press service of lifecell, several tariff plans will be reviewed in terms of pricing and content.

The changes will take effect on February 5, 2025:

The service package conditions for the following tariffs will be updated: “Smart Life,” “Just Life,” “Free Life,” “Powerful,” “Singing WITHOUT LIMITS,” “Free Life. Region,” “Platinum Life,” “Heat Light 2022.”

New subscriptions to these tariff plans will be discontinued.

Subscribers will have the option to switch to other available tariff plans without additional fees if they do so before February 5.

Closure of tariffs (from February 17 to March 20, 2025)

Additionally, several tariff plans, including “School Life,” “Discount,” “Heat Light,” “Lifehack,” “Platinum,” “Premium,” and others, will be affected.

Changes from February 19, 2025:

The tariff category “Gadget,” covering service packages such as “Smart,” “Tablet,” “Router,” and “Security,” will see price adjustments.

Subscribers whose tariffs are affected can switch to other available plans without additional fees from January 27 to February 12, 2025.

The planned tariff adjustments will result in an average price increase of 34%. This follows the company's last price review in September 2023, which impacted only 15% of its subscribers. Lifecell emphasizes that its pricing strategy aims to maintain competitiveness despite rising operational costs.

Lifecell, фото: скриншот

To ease the burden of rising prices, lifecell proposes several cost-saving measures:

Subscribers can lock in their current tariff prices with discounts of 15% or 10% by prepaying for 12 or 6 service packages, respectively.

Subscribers may also choose to split payments into three installments instead of paying upfront.

Linking personal data to the SIM card not only enhances security but also reduces tariff costs.

The price review will not affect new MNP (mobile number portability) subscribers who joined lifecell under the “sTOP-price” promotion. This offer allows subscribers to lock in their tariff prices until the end of 2025. Due to high demand—over 170,000 new subscribers since December 2024—the promotion has been extended until February 4, 2025.

Lifecell cites several factors contributing to the price increase, including:

The rising costs of electricity, fuel, rent, and taxes.

Investments in network expansion, infrastructure modernization, and service quality improvement.

Restoration and maintenance of equipment damaged during the war, including the deployment of backup power sources to ensure network stability during outages.