One of the most common beliefs is that adopting a stray cat can bring happiness and good fortune.
While many people think that domestic, stray, or wild cats enter yards and homes out of curiosity, for mating, hunting, or marking territory, there is also a mystical interpretation of such visits.
For instance, in India, it is believed that if a stray cat comes into a house, a wedding or the birth of a child may soon follow. It is known that cats avoid places with chaotic energy and instead seek homes filled with positive energy.
This is especially true for pregnant cats or those with kittens — the choice of a home indicates that they feel harmony and well-being there.
According to superstition, if a pregnant cat or a mother cat with kittens appears at your doorstep, it signifies that your home is blessed with happiness, success, and prosperity. However, this good fortune will only come true if the cat and her kittens are properly cared for. To ensure the good omen is fulfilled, all the kittens should be placed in loving homes, leaving one with the family that took them in.
It is also believed that the arrival of a pregnant cat in the house heralds financial gain for the family.
If a stray cat visits an unmarried woman, it may mean that she will not meet her soulmate, but at the same time, she is destined for success in her career or studies.

The appearance of a cat in a bride's home before the wedding is a sign of a long and happy marriage.
The color of the cat that chooses your home also plays an important role in folklore:
A black cat seeking shelter should never be turned away. It is believed to have been sent to protect the home from danger. If it appears at the beginning of a new venture, success is guaranteed.
Symbolizing love and harmony, the arrival of a gray cat suggests the strengthening of existing relationships or the beginning of a new romance.
It is said that a white cat brings financial prosperity, success, and healing. If it enters the home of a sick person, it is believed that their recovery is inevitable.
Additionally, a ginger cat predicts career advancement, new friendships, and protection from financial troubles. It is also thought to attract love into a man's life.
Calico or tricolor cats are associated with joy, spiritual growth, and luck. Driving such a cat away is considered bad luck, as it may take away prosperity and happiness.
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