This system will utilize cameras currently employed to detect speeding violations, as well as scan vehicle license plates to check for valid insurance policies.

The cameras will be equipped to automatically read vehicle license plates and verify the existence of a valid compulsory third-party liability insurance policy (OSAGO). The system will match this data against a centralized database. If a vehicle lacks valid insurance or if the policy has expired, the owner will face a fine.

The fine for lacking insurance will remain unchanged in 2025: 425 UAH if paid within 15 days or 850 UAH for late payment.

Drivers will receive notifications about fines through the "Diia" app, which is the official platform of the Ukrainian government for accessing digital services. They will also be able to check for fines and pay them through the app, making the payment process quick and efficient.

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The aim of these innovations is to align the insurance system in Ukraine with European standards. The automated photo-fixation system will help ensure that more drivers have insurance, reduce the number of uninsured vehicles on the roads, and enhance overall driver discipline. It is also expected to minimize human errors in enforcement.

Currently, the system has not yet been implemented. Necessary legal changes are still pending, including amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and other relevant regulations.

Additionally, technical settings for automated systems will need to be adapted, and mechanisms for automatic calculation and issuance of fines will need to be established.

Until these changes are made, fines for lacking insurance can only be issued in cases where the vehicle is stopped by the police.