In his official Telegram channel, he emphasized that cybercriminals are constantly adapting their schemes, often exploiting socially sensitive topics to deceive victims. He urged people to be cautious when receiving new suspicious emails supposedly from the TCC.

Fedyenko highlighted the dangers of opening PDF attachments from unverified sources, as this can immediately infect a computer with malware.
He stressed the importance of checking the sender's email address, warning that if a message appears to be from a government agency but is sent from a non-government domain (such as Gmail instead of, it should be deleted immediately.
As a reminder, new agendas, TCC, VVK, reservations and deferrals: mobilization has drastically changed since February
Earlier, “Hyser” reported, mobilization of students: who is on the TCC lists
As reported by “Hyser,” they will break into every home: new mass checks have caused panic – this is not the TCC or utility workers