As attorney Yaroslav Zvonenko states, individuals who have been removed from military registration have the right to refuse a summons without any legal consequences. From the moment of removal from the register, they no longer have any legal or formal ties to the TCC and SP.

Zvonenko also highlights specific situations in which individuals subject to conscription may justifiably refuse a summons:

If the summons is addressed to the wrong recipient or contains incorrect information.


If the document was delivered by someone who does not have the authority to do so.

If the summons lacks the official seal of the TCC or the signature of an authorized manager.

However, the attorney notes that citizens with outdated or missing military registration documents, such as an expired military ID, may legally receive a summons.

If it is issued in full compliance with the procedure, refusing to accept it or failing to appear at the TCC may lead to consequences. Ukrainian legislation provides for administrative penalties for such actions, including fines ranging from 17,000 to 25,500 hryvnias.