From a young age, Isidore chose a path of devotion and solitude, leaving behind worldly concerns to seek spiritual fulfillment. He settled in a monastery in Pelusium, an ancient city in the Nile delta, where he immersed himself in prayer, Scripture, and ascetic practices. Over time, his reputation as a wise and righteous teacher spread beyond the monastic community, earning him respect among church leaders and even rulers.
Saint Isidore was a steadfast defender of Christian doctrine and moral integrity. He openly opposed theological distortions and corruption within the clergy. One of his significant contributions was his support of Cyril of Alexandria in refuting Nestorianism, a belief that sought to separate the divine and human natures of Christ. His works and teachings played a crucial role in preserving the unity of the Orthodox faith.
One of the saint's greatest contributions was his extensive collection of letters, totaling over 2000 missives addressed to a diverse audience: from emperors and bishops to monks and ordinary believers. In these writings, he offered guidance on faith, morality, and spiritual discipline, fearlessly confronting wrongful actions and calling for repentance.
Saint Isidore passed away between 440 and 450 AD, but his influence endures, and he was later recognized as one of the greatest figures in Orthodox theology.

Traditional signs for February 4:
If a snowstorm begins today, it is said to last a whole week.
Snowfall on this day is considered a sign of a bountiful summer harvest.
It is believed that a heavy frost on trees predicts a rich harvest of winter wheat.
What to avoid on this day:
Be cautious when driving, as February 4 is regarded as an unlucky day for travel.
Women are advised not to pressure their husbands or wish them ill, as folklore warns that this could disrupt family harmony.
Customs and traditions:
Farmers traditionally checked their beehives to assess how the bees survived the winter.
In the forests, wild animals enter their mating season, prompting many to prefer staying indoors.
On this day, many people reflect on spiritual wisdom, self-discipline, and gratitude, drawing inspiration from the teachings of Saint Isidore.
As a reminder, the horoscope for February 4: life will go awry - how to avoid making mistakes and regretting them
Early reports from "hyser" noted, a real winter has begun: the weather tomorrow will keep you indoors - snowing heavily and freezing cold
As reported by "hyser," when to cut and how to paint nails in February: a lunar calendar for manicures that will save you from troubles and misfortunes